Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Welp, I made a blog, I guess. There is not much to say about what I do all day because I am in college (aka nothing really happens). But um I am VERY EXCITED for school to be out! May 2! The countdown today is at 40. Still a ways away but I guess I have to get through it. I'll just pray it goes faster.

Lets see... This spring break I spent a lot of time with my dogs Carley and J.R. which I love to do. I helped my mom in painting the bathroom and buying things for it.I went to the Zoo with Courtney and the Omni theater with April and the kids she watches. I also got to hang out with some of my friends at the park on Allison's 20th Birthday, we played volleyball and spun around on the tire swing till we got sick (no, not literally). But best of all was the fact that I was away from school!

Well this just wouldn't be my page without talking about animals or movies so... I have a sweet dog named Carley, she is a one eyed German shepherd/ Chow mix who was born with a congenital birth defect where her eye stopped growing before she was born. Carley is coming up on her 11th birthday in May, she is in perfect health aside from the fact that she is a little chubby (we are working on that) and she has a little arthritis.
I got J.R. (named after Johnny (Ray) Cash) in
Dec. Of 2005. JR is about a year and a half, he is German shepherd and Husky mixed. A lot of people think at first sight that he is a girl because he is such a pretty dog. His favorite thing to do is lick, he'll lick your face and Carley's face and your hands and the air and the list goes on. He is a good dog but needs a little training so he will be going with me this summer for training.
I also have 4 parakeets Texas, Clair and the babies Comanche and Bandera. I have 3 freshwater fish now (one just died) a tin foil barb named Jack (from Pirates of the Caribbean), and 2 Red Bellied Pecos named Pecos Bill and John Shooter (from Secret Window). I also have a small salt water tank here with me that holds a Blue Damsel, Isold, and a chocolate chip starfish, Tristan (obviously both from the movie Tristan and Isold).

OK MOVIES!!! I love Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl- favorite movie! I cannot wait for the next one to come out I will be at the first midnight showing and I will be very early! I also like: Walk the Line, Eight Below,National Treasure, The Mummy, Disney movies, the list goes on...I like a lot of movies.


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