Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

I just want to start this off by saying that NOTHING has topped the first Pirates of the Caribbean. I saw this movie as early as I could 8pm the night before the opening day. This one is way better than the second one! The begining is slow but and weird like Easy Rider weird but it does pick up. It is confusing and you have to pay attention to it at all times! If you haven't seen the second Pirates do not attempt to watch the third!! There are a lot of things going on at one time, they really packed it all into this one to tie up loose ends. Never fear though, I've heard from many reliable sources that this is NOT the last one! At World's End is very action packed, funny, confusing and very weird in parts. I recommend seeing it in theaters probably more than once to really understand it. With the ship battles and some of the weird parts you have to see it on the big screen, it's cool. I recommend refreshing on the second one though, it will help. All in all this movie was pretty good but like I said none will ever beat the first one!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Shrek the ThirdI give this movie an eeeh. The first and second were a lot better. This one wasn't as funny although there were a few hilarious parts. Justin Timberlake plays Arty by the way and a lot of people from saturday night live play the princesses. I recommend renting it but it wouldn't hurt to see it in theaters.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Spiderman 3

I saw the midnight showing of spiderman 3 and thought it was well worth the 2 hr wait before. It was hilarious in a lot of parts, but the ending wasn't good, only for a girlish reason though. It was sad, funny, and cool, typical of any super hero movie. I thought the venom bad guy was a little quick to join in but it kinda had to be that way. Go see it in theaters. There is really no reason that you would have to see the first two except for understanding the background of every one's relationships to one another. GO see it now! Its very good.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Invisible

A good movie! I was excited about this movie and really wanted to see it. However, the movie is different than the previews tell you. The main plot is still the same, a high school boy (Nick) gets the living crap beat out of him and nearly dies, they hide the body and his spirit comes back to try to save himself. It's really not just a "teen" movie, it's not meant to scare the crap out of you with some blue cat boy. (I think you know what stupid movie I was referring to.) It was based off a Swedish movie but American is always better so... go see it, it's good!


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ghost Rider

WOW! What a cool movie! I don't even know what to say other than go see it now!!! And let ma tell ya Nicholas Cage looks GOOD REALLY GOOD!!! Wow, I just can't think! It was so good!!! Can't WAIT to see it again!!!! Maybe I can write a little more after a while, I just got out of the theater not even half an hour ago! GO SEE IT!!!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Good Shepherd
Suckiness times a million!!! This is the longest boringest most monotone movie I have ever seen. There was NO action, no up-front information, you had to figure everything out before the next scene when there was something else to figure out. It was to hard to follow, I don't even think I know what was going on, There are too many questions I don't even know how to word because it was so confusing!!! The only thing that made sense in this film was the character that Angelina Jolie played because it is just like her real life, she steals a man from his girlfriend, does him and ends up pregnant! Is that a role for her or what. I do not suggest wasting your money on this movie, it's not even worth the brain power. Now, my sister thought it was interesting because she is a history major but I base my opinion on the MOVIE, not the history. Even if it was correct they could have found a better way to tell the story than this sucky movie!!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Night at the Museum
This is another movie I had high hopes for but this time it actually was good. Right before I left to go see it I was told that the critics didn't like it so I figured it would be good, they are always wrong. This isn't a regular Ben Stiller movie, he actually plays a sane adult. It's very funny and entertaining. I suggest seeing this in theaters, it is well worth the money, maybe even for a second viewing!
The Nativity Story
I was afraid of seeing this movie, I defiantly did not want to see it during the Christmas time because my religion doesn't celebrate Jesus' birth on Dec 25. I did see it after then though and I was surprised. It was a good movie, pretty accurate and it actually had a few funny parts in it, not disrespectful or anything. It was a good little movie, not too long and not depressing or anything. I recommend this one, overall I thought it was good.