Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Good Shepherd
Suckiness times a million!!! This is the longest boringest most monotone movie I have ever seen. There was NO action, no up-front information, you had to figure everything out before the next scene when there was something else to figure out. It was to hard to follow, I don't even think I know what was going on, There are too many questions I don't even know how to word because it was so confusing!!! The only thing that made sense in this film was the character that Angelina Jolie played because it is just like her real life, she steals a man from his girlfriend, does him and ends up pregnant! Is that a role for her or what. I do not suggest wasting your money on this movie, it's not even worth the brain power. Now, my sister thought it was interesting because she is a history major but I base my opinion on the MOVIE, not the history. Even if it was correct they could have found a better way to tell the story than this sucky movie!!


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