Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Poseidon was a pretty good movie in general. I have never seen "The Poseidon Adventure," so I have no idea what it compares to. It was action packed and kept me guessing, it reminded me of "Day After Tomorrow" so if you liked that one you will like this one. I'll warn anyone who is scared of fires or of seeing dead people not to see this or at least to see it with someone who will shield your eyes from those parts. Poseidon is not a knock off of "Titanic" it doesn't have a love story in it. It's about the obstacles people had to get through every step of the way to get off the ship. The ship capsizes fairly close to the beginning of the movie, so it is obvious that the movie is about getting off the ship, unlike Titanic.

Monday, May 15, 2006


This was a good movie! The sound effects were incredible and the whole movie was edge of your seat good! It actually reminded me in a lot of parts of "The Bourne identity". You need to see this one me and my brother came out of the theater shooting each other with finger guns and punching and kicking each other (that's good). Lots of killing, lots of action and lots of beating, that should be reason enough. I can't think of anything else to say about it other than it was really good and you need to see it. Number one in the box offices right now!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My baby doggy had heat exhaustion today, he "frowed up". We were working out in the back yard this morning and he was helping. I put him on the cold tile with a fan blowing on him and made him drink a little water every once in a while. Chellie got him and Carley a wading pool and some gatorade. He seems to be better now but Im still keeping a close eye on him. He is suppose to go to pet day at my mom's school but not if he is still feeling crappy! He scared me pretty bat cause he was trembling, frothy at the mouth, and uncomfortable. I think Carley got a little jealous of all the attention he got this morning but he is going to be ok and all will be normal soon! Thank goodness he is ok!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Carley's 11th Birthday was today!!! To celebrate I made her a doggy- safe birthday cake with a homemade bone-shaped candle. During the day she and JR went to the park and walked around and sniffed, then later they both got tummy rubs and Carley got a massage. After the cake was done we sang Happy Birthday and ate cake. Afterwards Carley, JR and I walked over to their friend Angus' (dashound) house to give him a slice of the cake. Her present was suppose to get to her today because she literally loves to open presents but we couldn't find what I wanted to get her (arthritis chewables). She loved the park and loved her cake and Im sure she will like not feeling all arthristisee after she gets her present! Anyway here are some pictures of her party... I think the icing caught her attention! A little taste before we cut it. Carley's party guest

Monday, May 01, 2006

Well I got back after being at the movie theater for hour and a half. I saw Scary Movie 4, its only an hour and 24 mins! I liked it, but they made it so short I will have to spend $7.50 on a movie that is a little longer! It's not as funny as the third one (funniest) but it is pretty funny! I especially like it cause they make fun of Tom Cruise. They make fun of "The Village" "The Grudge" "War of the Worlds" "Saw" "Million Dollar Baby" "Brokeback Mountain" and there is a terrorist that is from "United 93" but they are NOT making fun of it, they just show how stupid the terrorists are. It's good but I suggest going to a matinee of renting it, it's just not long enough! Be back home in less than a day!
I am so excited because the countdown is at about 26 hrs from now!!! I have everything I could possibly have packed, packed. I have NOTHING to do today and I am about to burst cause I am so excited!!! Tomorrow at about 7pm I will be home with my dogs in my room again!!! I have everything planned out that I am going to do when I get home! I am going to take the dogs to Petsmart to get a new fish tank filter and to see how much it will cost to get JR groomed there. Then I need to get the birds some toys and a water bottle for outside. Then I am going to head over to Costco and get "Walk the Line" and "The Chronicles of Narnia." I am so excited I just wish it didn't take 5 hrs to get home. After my 1:00 Bible exam, I will never walk on that campus again as a student!!! Well Im going to go and be bored and do nothing! Happy Trails! AWWW what a cute picture!