Friday, April 07, 2006

Well, I'm back from my weekend at home. It was fun but not long enough. My dogs are all ready depressed that I left but I will be back on Wed! Me and Ally are driving back Wed afternoon cause her Thurs class got cancelled, we are both super excited! Well this weekend I saw Ice Age 2 with Courtney, it was pretty good but I liked the first one better, its still worth seeing though. Later that day me and my mom were at Hollywood video and were going to rent some movies when my mom remembered that the movie she wanted to see about Antonio Banderez teaching those kids to ballroom dance, was out in theaters and asked me and Chellie if we would rather go see that. It wasent that great but my mom said it was ok but she was disappointed in it. There was a pretty cool dance when a girl and 2 boys dance all together but other than that... eeehh! Most of my time spent at the house was spent attempting to get the undercoat from JR's hair, he has so much! Everytime I would brush one stroke he would grab my hand and chew on it, so it might hurt him, I dunno though, Carley is fine with it. I'm just going to let the groomer's deal with it now, there is too much undercoat on him! The next two days will probly be real long and boring but at least Wed we are leaving fairly soon. The countdown is at 21. I'll be packing next week to leave!!!!!!


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